IndoorGML-Editor is an open source Javascript program that provides tools for simple editing IndoorGML data.
To create IndoorGML documents, we use InFactory Restful API(
To generate IndoorGML data file, we should use InFactory API correctly.
It is possible to generate the data of the attributes and geometry data of each element in IndoorGML by sending that information to InFactory in simple JSON format.
For this, you must create the geometry data from the floor plan or coordinates of indoor space.
If the data volume is small and simple enough, you can write the JSON data on the text editor or somehow.
However if not, it will be difficult work to deal with indoor space information with text format. InEditor help solves these problems.
InEditor's primary goal is to provide users with a canvas that can act as a floorplan and communicate with InFactory based on the information on the canvas to generate an IndoorGML file.
Source code
Github :
Suhee Jeong -